Tuesday, December 30, 2008

odds n ends

just a bunch of recent crap i want out of the way, its a little bit like a YEAR-END CLEARANCE SALE
some of my characters, i love doing sketches like this where i block it in with the big marker first and then draw it, i think it makes the pose clearer

same for garlic graham and angie. i did roslin and olivier and the girl but that was about where my drawing skills petered out for the night and they look like total crap

i have about 500 of these yearbook caricatures from the 40s, i only have a few scanned in though. HAVE A SNEEK PEEK!

fat little gouache experiments, i kind of like the guy but the girl's face got all messed up. gouache is a lot harder than i thought it was going to be hahaha maybe i'm taking the wrong approach.

oh sergei i've kind of missed drawing you! actually no, i don't miss your scrunchy face that seems to be going off into nowheresville and your shitty looking right arm. you always make that awful scrunchy face.

gouache leftovers make for a creepy syver sweater

lester being boring, i was trying to get some alright construction going on for his face but i kind of forgot about it when i got to the body haha. im not even sure how successful the face is either.

french bulldog with some awkward ink stains on the back side. if only they were better placed they could actually look like those funny skins markings they get underneath their fur

FASHION MAVENS WHOO ok i actually kind of like this one, it was a good idea but inking with brushes is still hard work it's so wet and messy and hard to control.

this is girlfrand and boyfrand

i dont remember the ink being so smudgy and awkward when i was drawing it. huh.


sloane said...


are gold! keep it up!

Janice said...

I love your stuff. *_* You draw cartoons so spontaneously, just the way I'd love to do them! Don't mind if I follow your blog!